
Yum list installed package
Yum list installed package

yum list installed package

Yum whatprovides SEARCH_STRING # list packages which provide given command or a file Yum deplist PACKAGE # list package dependencies Yum search all SEARCH_STRING # same as above, but search all fields, such as description Yum search SEARCH_STRING # search packages for the given string

yum list installed package yum list installed package

Yum makecache # download and refresh all the metadata yum/dnf/rpm yum repolist # list the configured repositories The package managers are yum for CentOS and some others, dnf a yum fork used in recent Fedora distributions and zypper a command line interface of ZYpp package management used in openSUSE project. These include RedHat family members, such as CentOS, Fedora or Scientific Linux, and also openSUSE, also known as SUSE Linux. : if not heres a sample command to dump the contentsĮcho 'SELECT packages.name, GROUP_CONCAT(files.name, ", ") AS files FROM files JOIN packages ON (files.pkgKey = packages.pkgKey) GROUP BY packages.name LIMIT 10 ' | sqlite3 -line /var/cache/yum/x86_64/7/base/gen/primary_db.Basic Console Commands for Package Managers RPM-based Linux Distributions : if you know sqlite you can stop reading here : if you download/install a new repo, run the exact same command again : note you can limit this to "primary_db.sqlite" if you really want : filelists are downloaded EVEN IF you have keepcache=0 in your yum.conf : the key result above is that "primary_db" files were downloaded : result of the above (some liberties taken with spacing): There are several good answers here, so let me provide a terrible one: : you can type in anything below, doesnt have to match anything

Yum list installed package